Step by Step Guide on Setting up a Small Business in Kenya

How good is your idea? How challenged do you feel about it? If you have a small business idea, it is usually very interesting in the head. However, it becomes even more interesting if you start putting the idea into action. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. If you have to dive in, you have to go all in. The success of a small business is determined by how well you plan your executi...
5 Ways you can Finance your Business in Kenya

When starting up a business in Kenya, one of the biggest challenges you will encounter is financing. At any point, a business may require funds to sustain it. Whether it is at inception or you just need to grow, financing is very instrumental. So how can finance your business in Kenya? This article will explore different options that an entrepreneur can explore to access business finance in Ken...
Financial Tips to consider when Starting a Business in Kenya

Starting a business can be very challenging if you do not have your financial game right. Growth of the business is greatly determined by how well you manage your finances and what how well you make your financial decisions. With the many challenges around starting up a business in Kenya, the pivotal one is the financial. As an entrepreneur, you must try to minimize financial mistakes and draw ...
10 Small Business Ideas in Kenya with 20k capital

Starting a business in Kenya is never easy. You may have run out of ideas of where to invest your money. If your budget is low and you want to make some money on the side, here are 10 business ideas worth considering. #1 Soap production Soap is one of the most constantly consumed products in the world. Consider investing in a soap production business. This is something you can actually do in a s...
The Legal Obligations of Starting a Business in Kenya

Doing business in Kenya has been made easier, faster and instant. In Kenya business can either be: A sole proprietorship A partnership The moment an individual or a group of persons think of starting business, he or she must put in mind the registration process and procedure that comes with the commencement of that business. Registration of businesses is now being done at the GPO and an...

The decision to start a business in Kenya is probably a huge one. It could be driven by a unique business idea, the need to design a flexible career or gain financial independence. Whatever your reasons, starting your own business means investing in yourself. Unfortunately, not all businesses are destined for success. Be rest assured that you are in for a real challenge when you decide to take the...