Getting finances to start up your business or boost it can be a bit challenging. Most reasons why small businesses in Kenya tend t...
How good is your idea? How challenged do you feel about it? If you have a small business idea, it is usually very interesting in t...
When starting up a business in Kenya, one of the biggest challenges you will encounter is financing. At any point, a business may ...
Starting a business can be very challenging if you do not have your financial game right. Growth of the business is greatly determ...
How many CVs have you sent out to vacant positions advertised in different institutions? Are you frustrated when you get no respon...
Starting a business in Kenya is never easy. You may have run out of ideas of where to invest your money. If your budget is low and...
Doing business in Kenya has been made easier, faster and instant. In Kenya business can either be:
A sole proprietorship
The decision to start a business in Kenya is probably a huge one. It could be driven by a unique business idea, the need to design...
Successful businesses have one thing in common – they take proposal writing as a matter of life and death for their business. Powe...